Acupuncture is gentle, safe, effective and natural system of health care with the ability to treat a wide range of health concerns such as:
Acupuncture has proven to be successful in reducing stress, chronic conditions and other irregularities.
Acupuncture is a great complement to other services available here at Form Chiropractic
Addiction Digestive disorders Menopause Sports Injuries
Allergies Ear Problems Muscle & Joint Pain Stroke Rehab
Asthma Fibromyalgia Nausea Urinary Problems
Carpal Tunnel Headache Post Op Pain
Chemo Nausea Infection-cold Reproductive Issues
Dental Pain Insomnia Sciatic Pain
Depression Menstrual Disorders Skin Disorders
Acupuncture needles/pins are not like the hollow needles used in the medical field. They are fine and thin, like the whisker of a cat.
The pins are not forced into your skin. Often a small tool is used, which feels like a quick tap on your skin, to insert the pins quickly.
It’s not Voo-doo
After checking in, Jenn will take you back to her room. You’ll chat for a bit, giving you an opportunity to share why you’re there and what’s going on. She’ll tell you how she wants you to lay or sit on the table and if she needs you to adjust your clothing. (roll up your pant leg, slide your arm out of your shirt, etc.) Jenn will guide you through your session, reminding you to breathe and helping you relax. Once the pins are in place, you’ll lie still, breathing and listening to calm sounds for 30-45 minutes. This is when the pins do their job.
After Jenn removes the pins, you’ll chat a little and then check out!
Client Review
“After months of hard rock calf muscles, I had tried everything to get them to release…or so I thought. After one session with Jenn, I felt so much relief. She was able to get deep enough to release the muscles, which allowed me to stretch and continue working on them at home.” -MC