Need Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City? Call Form Chiropractic!
Need Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City? Call Form Chiropractic!
Did you know that between 16% and 26% of people will at some point experience shoulder pain? It’s true.
The inability to move one's shoulders freely due to pain, stiffness, or weakness brought on by shoulder pain can make daily tasks like eating, working, and dressing difficult. Shoulder pain ranks as the third most typical reason for primary care musculoskeletal consultations.
At From Chiropractic, one of the top resources for shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, we know that the shoulder joint is incredibly intricate. It includes numerous muscles and ligaments surrounding it to help coordinate movement with the other joints. Because the shoulder is a highly mobile joint, it frequently lacks the stability required for specific movements and instead depends primarily on the fine motor skills of its muscles to function properly. Numerous shoulder injuries lead to dysfunction or pain of multiple structures.
As one of top experts on shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, we’ve listed some of the most typical reasons why shoulders hurt:
· Whether traumatic or not, instability
· Syndrome of impingement
· Bursitis or tendonitis
· Arthritis in the bones
· Capsulitis adhesive (frozen shoulder)
· Separation of the acromioclavicular joint
· Pain reported from the cervical spine
· Tears in some or all of the tendons and muscles
· Breakage after an injury
· Ligament sprains or strained muscles
· Bad alignment
· Overindulgence
Other, less frequent causes of shoulder pain include:
· Organ-related visceral pain referral
· Infection of the tumor
· Tendons or bursae calcification
There may be additional causes of shoulder pain in addition to those on the lists above. To get an accurate diagnosis, the chiropractor may refer patients for additional testing, such as X-rays, ultrasounds, general practitioners, etc., if they believe it is necessary.
Can Chiropractic Assistance Help?
To identify the source of your pain, your chiropractor will perform a thorough examination and obtain a thorough case history. If necessary, you might be referred for additional testing, such as blood tests to check for illnesses or X-rays to evaluate the joints, MRIs to evaluate soft tissue structures like ligaments and tendons, or ultrasounds to evaluate the joints, ligaments, and tendons.
Your chiropractor can provide a variety of treatment options, including soft tissue treatments like trigger point therapy or acupuncture, joint manipulation or mobilization, and other options if the diagnosis is musculoskeletal. In addition to ergonomic guidance, home care, and rehabilitation initiatives.
Neck Troubles?
Consider Neck Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City at Form Chiropractic!
Anatomy of the Shoulders
As experts on shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, our team at Form Chiropractic knows that the shoulder depends mainly on the surrounding muscles and ligaments for stability because it is one of the most mobile joints in the body and only has one bony connection—where the clavicle joins the sternum, or chest bone. Maintaining joint flexibility and movement becomes extremely difficult for the other supporting structures when one or more stabilizers are damaged or malfunction.
The arm can move in many different directions thanks to the shoulder, including flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, and internal and external rotation. The scapula can move in protraction, retraction, elevation, and depression thanks to the shoulder.
Bone Structure
· The humerus (upper arm), scapula (shoulder blade), and clavicle (collar bone) make up the shoulder joint.
· The acromioclavicular joint is formed when the clavicle connects laterally with the scapula's acromion, and the sternoclavicular joint is formed when the clavicle connects with the sternum (chest bone).
· The coracoid, a projection of the scapula that faces forward, serves as a point of attachment for muscles and ligaments.
· The socket on the scapula where the head of the humerus rests to form the ball and socket joint is called the Glenohumeral Fossa. Ligaments and the rotator cuff muscles work together to hold it in place.
· The glenoid labrum deepens the fossa, or socket, giving the joint greater stability.
External (surface) Muscles Frontal Muscle:
Pectoralis Major:
Four movements comprise the pectoralis major. The first is humeral flexion, which also rotates the humerus medially, adducts the humerus, and maintains the arm's attachment to the body's trunk.
Raises the shoulder and turns the scapula to reach higher.
Latissimus Dorsi:
Extends, adducts, and rotates the arm internally; draws the shoulder inward and outward; maintains the inferior angle of the scapula against the chest wall.
Lateral Muscles:
Three compartments comprise the deltoid muscles: anterior, which flexes and rotates the arm internally; middle, which abducts the arm; and posterior, which extends and rotates the arm externally. When the arm is raised away from the body, the deltoids take charge.
Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.
Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.
Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.