Unlocking Wellness: How An Acupuncture Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City Harmonize for Your Health

Unlocking Wellness: How An Acupuncture Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City Harmonize for Your Health—In the heart of Midtown Kansas City, Form Chiropractic is all about holistic healing and wellness. Our clinic is dedicated to providing top-tier chiropractic care and acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City, focusing on treating the whole person rather than just symptoms. We understand that true health encompasses both physical and mental well-being, which is why we've mastered the art of blending ancient wisdom with modern techniques. This blog explores how an acupuncture chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City can harmonize to unlock a new level of wellness for our clients.


The Power of Chiropractic Care

An acupuncture chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City is a cornerstone of holistic health, emphasizing the body's ability to heal itself. At Form Chiropractic, our experienced professionals specialize in diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal issues, with a particular emphasis on spinal health. Our treatments are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient, whether you're seeking relief from back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain, or injuries from sports. We are a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City in case of an auto accident too.

Our approach goes beyond temporary fixes. We aim to address the root cause of discomfort and imbalance, employing a range of advanced techniques including spinal adjustments, corrective exercises, and soft tissue therapy. These methods play a crucial role in reducing inflammation, improving spinal alignment, and relieving muscle tension—key components in achieving lasting relief and preventing further damage.


The Essence of Acupuncture

Acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City, an integral part of traditional Chinese medicine, offers a profound way to enhance health by balancing the body's energy flow. Our clinic is proud to be your source for acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City, where we offer this ancient practice as a complementary treatment to chiropractic care. Our skilled acupuncture chiropractors insert thin needles into specific points on the body, targeting your unique health concerns to reduce pain, promote healing, and foster overall wellness.



Acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City excels in areas where traditional medicine may fall short, offering relief for chronic pain, stress, and various health conditions without the need for medication. It's a testament to the body's remarkable capacity for self-healing when provided with the right stimuli.


A Synergistic Approach to Healing

At Form Chiropractic, we believe in the synergistic power of combining chiropractic care and acupuncture. This holistic approach addresses both the physical structure of the body and its energetic pathways, creating a comprehensive healing experience.

  • Comprehensive Pain Management: For individuals dealing with pain, the combination of chiropractic adjustments and acupuncture provides a dual approach to pain relief. While chiropractic care addresses structural imbalances and nerve interference, acupuncture works to balance the body's energy flow, resulting in more profound and lasting relief.

  • Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-being: Stress is a common ailment in today's fast-paced world. Acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City is renowned for its ability to induce deep relaxation and reduce stress levels. When paired with chiropractic care, which alleviates physical tension, the result is a powerful antidote to stress, enhancing both emotional and physical health.

  • Enhanced Recovery and Performance: Athletes and active individuals can benefit greatly from our combined therapies. Chiropractic adjustments optimize musculoskeletal function and improve mobility, while acupuncture accelerates recovery by reducing inflammation and promoting circulation. Together, they help athletes achieve peak performance and recover more quickly from injuries.

  • Support During Pregnancy: Pregnancy brings significant changes to a woman's body, often leading to discomfort and pain. Our pregnancy chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City uses gentle techniques to relieve these symptoms, while acupuncture can further enhance comfort and well-being during this special time.



Why Choose Form Chiropractic?

At Form Chiropractic, we're committed to unlocking the full potential of your health and wellness. Our team of highly trained professionals is passionate about creating personalized treatment plans that reflect our patients' unique needs and health goals. Whether you're experiencing chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or simply seeking to improve your overall health, an acupuncture chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City here to support you every step of the way.

Our clinic offers a welcoming, supportive environment where healing and rejuvenation are paramount. With our convenient location at 600 Broadway Boulevard, Suite 175, Kansas City, Missouri, and flexible clinic hours, accessing premier chiropractic care and acupuncture has never been easier.


Embark on Your Journey to Wellness

If you're ready to explore how chiropractic and acupuncture can harmonize to enhance your health and well-being, Form Chiropractic is here to guide you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards unlocking a new level of wellness. Together, we'll create a path to health that is as unique and individual as you are.

Remember, wellness is not a destination but a journey. Let Form Chiropractic be your partner on this journey, helping you achieve balance, health, and vitality through the powerful combination of chiropractic care and acupuncture.


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services from our acupuncture chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City. We strive to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Crossroads Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.


 Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
Use a Reputable Family Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City for Your Child’s Wellness

Use a Reputable Family Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City for Your Child’s Wellness—It is entirely our duty as parents to make sure our kids are well-cared for and in optimal health. As their parents, we make sure they take their vitamins, try our best to feed them wholesome foods that will provide them with the nutrients they need to grow, and encourage physical activity to keep their bodies in good condition.

However, have you considered how important your child's spinal health is to their overall happiness and well-being? The foundation or literal backbone of your child's health is their spine. Scheduling routine chiropractic adjustments with a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City is essential for eliminating nerve interfaces that are known to induce dysfunction in both adults and children.

Children's general health has been shown to benefit greatly due to care from a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, which has been shown to significantly lessen symptoms of pain, anxiety, stress, exhaustion, and depression.


Does my child actually require adjustments from a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City?

Chiropractic care has no negative effects on children, despite parents' concerns to the contrary. As you can see, chiropractic adjustments are very gentle and successful. A study on children with "congenital torticollis," or tight neck muscles, was published in the Journal of Chiropractic Medicine.

The way children hold their heads is affected by this condition, and if it hadn't been treated by a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, they would probably have suffered from neck tightness and pain well into adulthood, which could lead to migraines, thyroid issues, heartburn, or even constipation.

But let's face it—kids are known to be clumsy and frequently trip and fall, which can cause the spine or joints to become misaligned. Not to mention, kids who spend a lot of time staring down at their phones or tablets frequently get "tech neck." If this is not treated, it can also result in neck or back pain that your child will carry into adulthood.



Benefits of Using a Family Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City Include:


1.       Helping to optimize their child's neural plasticity—the growth and learning of the brain and nerves.

The effect of chiropractic adjustments on brain activity has been demonstrated, demonstrating the relationship between the spine and brain and its importance for overall cognitive function. It is well known that children's brains require development and change, and receiving Form Chiropractic care can support this process.


2.       Helping to boost immunity and lower the frequency of earaches, colds, and other illnesses.

Sometimes mild adjustments to the upper cervical vertebrae aid in the dilatation of the Eustachian tube, facilitating middle ear drainage. You can enhance your child's wellbeing and prevent more issues by fixing these misalignments.

Research has indicated that minor adjustments to the spine can improve the body's ability to release immune cells to the precise parts of the body that require them most. Your child's immune system receives the much-needed boost from this.


3.       Helping to alleviate irritable baby syndrome and colic.

Has your child received a diagnosis of irritable baby syndrome or colic? There are numerous reasons why a baby may develop colic, and your pediatrician may have diagnosed your child with it. A chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City can help your colicky infant by gently manipulating their small intestines to increase nerve flow and peristalsis, the wave-like movement of the gut's muscles that forces liquid gas through. Babies are frequently instantly calmed by this methodical manipulation technique.


4.       Helping to aid in asthma relief.

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City can offer natural treatment options to lessen the frequency and intensity of asthma attacks, even though there is currently no cure for the condition. The nervous system in your child is in charge of controlling their diaphragm and lungs, both of which influence how they breathe. Misalignments can irritate the nerves severely, which impairs the diaphragm's ability to function. These issues can be resolved by treating spinal manipulation with periodic adjustments, which will help restore the nerve supply that aids in breathing regulation.


5.       Helping to enhance the posture of the spine.

Treatment may take longer depending on how long your child has overcompensated with poor posture; however, chiropractic medicine can help your child stop slouching and even lessen the chance of misuse-related abnormal joint wear and strain.


6.       Helping to support the treatment of behavioral disorders.

All areas of the brain, including those that regulate impulses, activity, reasoning, and more, will function normally again once spinal misalignments that disrupt communication with the nervous system and the rest of your body are corrected. Thus, chiropractic treatment for back pain in Crossroads Kansas City can promote healthy brain development and well-mannered kids.


7.       Helping to help with sleep problems and bedwetting.

A young person who struggles with the stigma associated with bedwetting fears losing sleep and having to change their sheets every day. Additionally, the fear of soiled sheets is too much for a youngster to handle, particularly when they are staying over at a friend's house.

Having said that, the bladder's sphincter muscle, which opens and closes it, receives nerve supply from a number of locations throughout the spinal column. Your child may benefit from a series of Form Chiropractic spinal adjustments if they stop bedwetting.


The Value of Getting Your Child Chiropractic Care at a Young Age

Your child should see a chiropractor at any age. Tightness and strain for back pain in Crossroads Kansas City can be reduced, and nerve issues that may develop following a c-section or natural birth can be fixed, with the help of gentle manipulations in specific key areas of your baby's body. Due to the disruption of nerves throughout the body, giving birth can be traumatizing for both mother and child.



Children and Chiropractic Treatment

The number of children seeking a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City is still rising. Over 17% of all chiropractic patients are under the age of 18, with over 7% of them being 5 years old or younger, according to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. The wide range of advantages that come with chiropractic care for kids will improve their wellbeing as they get older. We felt that, in light of these encouraging figures and advantages, we should take a moment to provide those considering chiropractic care for their kids with more information.


The Nervous System of Your Child

Did you know that people of all ages can have misaligned spines? Not only can labor and delivery be taxing on a mother's body, but newborns frequently arrive in the world traumatized and out of alignment. Misalignment can also result from developmental stress, major traumas, and minor traumas.

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City explains that the first five years of a child's life are the most neural pathways released by the human body. Consequently, it's critical to use chiropractic care to maximize your child's potential. If you neglect your child's spinal health, they may experience pain, discomfort, and health problems as teens and adults.

The brain, nerves, and spinal cord make up the nervous system. As your body's information highway, it is safe to assume that the nervous system regulates every aspect of your health, including growth and development. A misaligned spine prevents the brain and body from communicating properly, which puts an excessive amount of strain on the nervous system and lowers overall functioning. The individual is better positioned for a solid foundation of health the more smoothly this system runs.



The Modification

Patients of any age, from newborns to elderly people in good health, can benefit from a Form Chiropractic adjustment. When your child arrives at our office, Form Chiropractic will examine their spine and then use her hands or a small tool to gently realign their spine.

Please be aware that because children's bodies are smaller and they are still going through growth stages, less force or power should be used when making adjustments to them. All of the adjustments for back pain in Crossroads Kansas City are subtle and successful, yielding fantastic outcomes.


Frequently Noticed Enhancements

Children's sleep, behavior, attitude, and immune system performance have all significantly improved. Patients have also reported improvements in the following conditions and symptoms: ADD/ADHD, colic, torticollis, ear infections, bedwetting, digestive issues, allergies, asthma, and seizures.


Fed up with musculoskeletal problems? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City. Unleash the enchantment of a sports injury chiropractor in Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City. Form Chiropractic serves Kansas City, specifically areas near the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Crossroads Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options.

Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
#1 Family Chiropractor in Kansas City: A Growing Trend

A Family Chiropractor in Kansas City: A Growing Trend—An experienced family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City knows the popularity of chiropractic care for kids is soaring high! Recent stats from the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners show that more than 17% of all KC chiropractic patients are under 18. That is with over 7% of those who visit our Crossroads Kansas City chiropractic office being aged 5 or younger.

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City knows the reason it is gaining traction. Well, because chiropractic care for kids in Kansas City is like a secret superpower for their overall well-being. By focusing on spinal alignment and nervous system function, chiropractors help kids rock their development and health game.

As a top family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, Form Chiropractic knows that posture, balance, and coordination are all helpful. Form Chiropractic is even tackling behavioral and sensory challenges, because after all, it's all about unleashing each patient’s full potential. 

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City is all about spreading the word and empowering parents and caregivers with knowledge. Let's team up to ensure our little champs thrive in a future filled with health and happiness. So, if you're considering Form Chiropractic care for your child’s wellness. Form Chiropractic can contribute to their well-being and overall growth. Together, let's create a healthier, happier tomorrow! 


Your Child’s Nervous System

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City knows that all ages of individuals can experience spine misalignment. Labor and delivery is not just difficult on the mothers body – infants regularly enter this world with the trauma from birth causing them to be unaligned. Both minor and major traumas as well as developmental stress can also lead to being misaligned. 


During the first 5 years of a child's life, their neural pathways are firing like fireworks on New Year's Eve! To unlock your child's full potential, make chiropractic care a priority. Ignoring their spinal health now could lead to more pain and issues down the road. After all, a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City knows the nervous system is the boss of your body, controlling everything from growth to development. It's the ultimate information highway! 



When one’s spine is misaligned, proper communication from the brain to the body cannot take place and leads to excess stress on the nervous system causing a decrease in overall functionality. The better this system functions, the better the person is set up for a strong foundation of health.


The Adjustment

When visiting our Crossroads Kansas City chiropractic office, we take patient safety and well-being seriously, no matter their age. When your little one comes in for a chiropractic adjustment, Form chiropractors will evaluate their spine with the utmost care and work her magic, whether it's with their hands or a nifty tool. Our chiropractors in Crossroads Kansas City have adjustments that are kid-size and growth-friendly, providing exceptional results that will leave you and your child grinning from ear to ear!

Through a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, we have witnessed a multitude of significant improvements in various aspects of children's well-being. Our observations have revealed positive changes in:

·         Sleep Patterns

·         Behavior

·         Attitude

·         Immune System Functionality

All of which have proven to be immensely beneficial. 


Moreover, our Kansas City patients have reported remarkable enhancements in conditions such as:

·         ADD/ADHD 

·         Colic

·         Torticollis

·         Ear infections 

·         Bed-wetting

·         Digestive problems

·         Allergies 

·         Asthma 

·         Seizures


These noteworthy transformations serve as a testament to the immense potential when visiting our Crossroads Kansas City chiropractic office. Professional care at Form Chiropractic is not only enhancing, but also optimizing the overall health. Not to mention the quality of life for children and even potentially providing them with a promising future.

Looking to boost your child's well-being? Consider the superpowers of Form chiropractic care! It's a holistic approach that aligns the spine and nervous system, unlocking optimal function and vitality. Through a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, activate their natural healing abilities, level up their immune system, and enhance their resilience. With safe and tailored treatment options, investing in their well-being has never been more rewarding. Let Form Chiropractic  unlock the transformative potential of chiropractic wellness care today!


Our Family Chiropractor in Kansas City Offers:

·         Advanced ‘movement-based’ functional mobility examinations

·         Chiropractic adjustments

·         Soft tissue/fascia mobilization and treatment

·         Functional movement services: rehabilitative exercise, consulting, and plan implementation


The combination of the above services allows Form Chiropractic to provide the best “functional movement” based chiropractic care to our patients. The aforementioned services provide unique opportunities for the Kansas City community to address both chronic and acute ailments brought about by the common stressors, improper posture, and poor movement patterns affecting the general Kansas City population.


Family Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City

At Form Chiropractic, we strive every day to provide premium chiropractic care to each of our clients. Our professionals are highly trained and experienced in treating a wide variety of ailments for our patients in Midtown Kansas City.  


Fed up with pesky musculoskeletal problems raining on your parade? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City.! Unleash the enchantment of a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City.  Form Chiropractic serves Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Let's crack on!

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Crossroads Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.


Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City: A Holistic Approach to Feeling Fantastic!

Chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City: A Holistic Approach to Feeling Fantastic!

Remember the old days when a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City was only sought after for back pain treatment? As healthcare trends change in KC, more and more people are embracing alternative treatments. At a chiropractic office in Crossroads Kansas City, patients can meet their comprehensive health needs.

Forget just treating symptoms – a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City takes a unique approach! Form Chiropractic focuses on the spine and nervous system. KC chiropractors aim to restore your body's natural balance, making you feel like a wellness superstar. With gentle adjustments and manipulations, a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City will:

·         Kiss your pain goodbye

·         Boost your joint mobility

·         Get your body's systems working best

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City isn't just about physical health. Picture this: improved sleep, reduced stress levels, and boundless energy – all thanks to regular chiropractic sessions. It's like a secret recipe for a better quality of life, minus the drugs and invasiveness.

So, if you're curious about how a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City can transform your life, let Form Chiropractic explore the incredible benefits. Your body will thank you, and you'll be strutting through life like a wellness rockstar.


Immune System

A family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City knows that a god immune system is good for you and your baby. It never hurts to give your immune system a boost to protect yourself from illness and injury. It has often been reported that when your central nervous system is in good shape, your other systems are able to work more efficiently as well. This includes your immune system. The immune system is your body’s defense against infections such as:

·         Sicknesses

·         Viruses

·         Bacteria

A chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City does spinal adjustments because they have been shown to boost immune function because adjustments allow correction to spinal misalignments that cause neural dysfunction. When a person has neural dysfunction it stresses the body out. In turn, this may lead to weakened immune system and lower response to a foreign body, like a virus.

And no matter the time of year, it never hurts to give your immune system a boost. Individuals who receive regular treatments at a chiropractic office in Crossroads Kansas City report healthier immune systems as well as an overall healthier body. It only takes one adjustment to bring about an immediate immune boost.



Higher Activity Level

It is no secret that activity and exercise is key to ensure you have some control over your overall wellness. Though, people that participate in higher activity levels can benefit from a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City in many ways.

 When an athlete gets an adjustment, this can help improve athletic performance due to alleviating stressors within the body’s nervous system during treatments at a chiropractic office in Crossroads Kansas City, as well as anchoring the muscles throughout the whole body.

Also, regular adjustments can help improve range of motion and decrease recovery time through adjustments and small tissue manipulation that helps break up scar tissue to increase flexibility, elasticity and strength throughout recovery.


Back and Neck Pain Treatment in Kansas City for Health

This is the most understandable benefit of a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City. You see, when your spine is aligned it leads to a healthier back and neck. When your back and neck are in good health, you have a reduction in tension and pain, as well as a more efficient central nervous system.

Ready to give a chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City a whirl? Come on over to Form Chiropractic! Our spine-aligning wizard at a chiropractic office in Crossroads Kansas City is primed to work their magic and level up your health. With our custom treatment plans and holistic vibes, we'll have you feeling tip-top so you can seize every moment. No more stalling – let's kickstart your journey to a healthier you!

Check out these reviews from some of our favorite clients!



Jen has really helped me with the pain in my neck and shoulder with cupping. I wish I had found her sooner! Acupuncture has also helped with other issues that have come up. She is great at listening and explaining. Highly recommend!

Dr. Tyler is also great. He gets you in and out but you never feel rushed because he listens to what you have to say. I appreciate how he tailors his treatment to what you need that day rather than just going through the motions. And he’s put together the best team! Robyn has got to be among the best massage therapists in KC!    - Tara L.



Thanks to a colleague who is a patient of Dr. Tyler Smith, I made an appointment to see him today about a problem that has been plaguing me for a month. The front office staff member was welcoming, kind and helpful, and Dr. Smith was everything I was hoping for! He took the time to listen, and spoke plainly and frankly with me which I so appreciate. His treatment plan, which he explained throughly, brought much relief, and I’ll be going back to him again! Thank you Dr. Smith!     - Diane B.



Fed up with pesky musculoskeletal problems raining on your parade? Look no further than From Chiropractic, a sports injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City. Unleash the enchantment of a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Crossroads Kansas City.  Form Chiropractic serves Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Let's crack on!

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Crossroads Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.


Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Crossroads Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
Back Pain Treatment in Kansas City: 101

Back Pain Treatment in Kansas City: 101

Are you experiencing back pain? Many adults suffer from back pain and need back pain treatment in Kansas City on a regular basis. At Form Chiropractic in Kansas City, we know each person's condition is different depending on your specific issue. Ever had one of those days in KC when your back feels like it's auditioning for a lead role in a horror movie and you need back pain treatment in Kansas City right away? Yep, we've all been there.

Back pain and shoulder pain in Kansas City can be as relentless as a door-to-door salesman and as pesky as a mosquito at a barbeque.

So, what causes this unwelcome guest to ruin your day in beautiful Kansas City? Well, it could be anything from straining your muscles while trying to lift that ridiculously heavy suitcase (we've all overpacked, haven't we?), to degenerative changes in the spine, or even a sports-related injury.

We'll explore the causes, symptoms, treatments and even delve into the age-old debate: heat or ice?

At Form Chiropractic in Kansas City, we don’t just crack backs; we restore health and quality of life. From shoulder pain treatment in Kansas City to acupuncture, we offer a variety of services to help you combat your pain.

Let back and shoulder pain treatment in Kansas City turn that grimace into a grin, and get you back to living your best, pain-free life!


What is the cause of back pain in Kansas City?

Back pain is most frequently caused by the following:

·        Strain or sprain of the muscles

·        Degenerative changes or arthritis in the spine

·        Disc herniation

·        Age: As we age, weight gain and a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a loss of tone in our muscles and joints.

·        Pregnancy: Gaining more weight in the front of your body can cause your center of gravity to change and strain your back.

·        Breaks

·        Sports-related injuries

·        Traumatic injury or accident


What are symptoms and indicators that you need back pain treatment in Kansas City?

Numerous symptoms exist, such as:

·        A dull, hurtful feeling in the back.

·        A sharp or shooting pain that may travel to the foot and down the leg

·        An inability to painlessly stand up straight

·        A restricted range of motion and weakened back flexion


Info about muscular back pain treatment in Kansas City

The usual back pain treatment in Kansas City is with anti-inflammatory medications. This presumes the patient is able to tolerate the anti-inflammatory and does not need a different method of care. Additionally, we advise carrying on with daily activities and doing light stretching as tolerated.


Which is better for back pain and soreness: heat or ice?

Cold therapy works best on average, in the first 24 to 72 hours after a lower back injury. Using ice helps lessen pain and minimize swelling and inflammation.

Once the initial swelling and inflammation have subsided, heat therapy and back pain treatment in Kansas City can be used to promote healing. By increasing blood flow to the wounded area, heat therapy helps to restore nutrients and oxygen while reducing stiffness.


What signals indicate severe back pain, and when should you visit a physician?

Most of the time, visiting your doctor in Kansas City is not necessary because back pain usually goes away on its own. But, you should schedule a visit with your doctor or chiropractor in KC if your back pain gets worse or more intense and you may need back pain treatment in Kansas City, or rest. 

Physicians are particularly concerned about back pain in patients who have recently undergone spine surgery or have a history of cancer.


Consult a physician if you encounter any of the following signs:

·        Sensitivity or tingling

·        Injuries or fall-related pain

·        Problems with bowel movements or urine

·        Leg weakness, soreness, or numbness

·        High temperature

·        Inadvertent reduction of body mass


How can one prevent back pain?

Lifting with the right form can help prevent muscular back pain. Strengthening your core is also essential.


Other strategies for back pain treatment in Kansas City consist of:

·        Avoiding smoking because it can impede blood flow to the spinal discs.

·        Experiment with different sleeping positions.

·        Be mindful of your posture.

·        Selecting the appropriate briefcase or handbag can help reduce your risk of developing back pain.


Our Kansas City chiropractor office can assist you as we employ a variety of cutting-edge methods for back pain treatment in Kansas City, such as:

·        Soft tissue therapy

·        Spinal adjustments

·        Corrective exercises


All of these techniques are very effective at lowering:

·        Inflammation

·        Enhancing spinal alignment, and

·        Releasing muscle tension in the back

Our mission is to treat your back pain as effectively as possible while protecting your spine from future harm.


Shoulder Pain Treatment in Kansas City

We treat numerous shoulder conditions, such as:

·        Arthritis

·        Frozen shoulder

·        Rotator cuff injuries


All of these can cause shoulder pain. Our Kansas City chiropractor office can identify the underlying cause of your shoulder pain and create a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your individual requirements. We use different methods for shoulder pain treatment in Kansas City. We often combine massage therapy, KC chiropractic adjustments, and stretching exercises.


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services from our acupuncture chiropractor in Kansas City. We strive to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



 Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Visiting a Kansas City Chiropractic Office Can Improve Your Health in 5 Ways

Visiting a Kansas City Chiropractic Office Can Improve Your Health

There are many options in Kansas City available to us in modern medicine to treat our health, and those options are expanding daily. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish between a pseudoscience in Kansas City that isn't all that helpful and a fantastic addition to your current health regimen.

Fortunately, extensive research has shown that Form Chiropractic Care is:

·         Safe

·         Non-surgical

·         A Drug-free alternative for neck or back pain treatment in Kansas City

Here are some advantages of visiting a Kansas City chiropractic office that really make it shine if you are experiencing chronic pain and are unsure if it's right for you.


5 Advantages of Form Chiropractic Care


It doesn't affect the other medical decisions you make.

Form Chiropractic care can be used in conjunction with other medical plans or medications. It is non-invasive and drug-free, so you can use it on its own to relieve surgical, drug-free alternative for neck or back pain treatment in Kansas City.


Our Kansas City chiropractic office can assist in providing you with natural pain relief.

Your body is adjusted by a family chiropractor in Kansas City to function as it should. Our bodies can become misaligned due to accidents, pain, falls, and other problems, which can result in further pain. Even for conditions like headaches and even sinus congestion, which may seem unrelated, Form Chiropractic care can provide relief that other treatments cannot.


Our Kansas City chiropractic office can aid in your kids' recovery.

Kansas City children are particularly prone to falling, which results in a fair share of bumps and bruises. Your child may have an alignment issue if they appear to be falling much more frequently than usual. Form Chiropractic care is beneficial to more than just older kids. According to studies, visiting a Kansas City chiropractic office may be very helpful in calming your colicky baby. When all other options have been exhausted to soothe your infant, this can be a huge relief.


Our Kansas City chiropractic office can help improve blood pressure.

According to a 2007 study, back pain treatment in Kansas City or treatment anywhere was more beneficial than two blood pressure-lowering drugs. In comparison to patients who received a placebo, there was a notable decrease of:

·         Up to 14 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure (the number that is normally seen on top) and

·         8 mm Hg in diastolic blood pressure (the number that is normally seen on the bottom)

This is significant information for Kansas City people who wish to control their blood pressure naturally or who aren't getting the desired results from their present medications.


Our Kansas City chiropractic office could offer you a competitive advantage.

A sports injury chiropractor in Kansas City is employed by more than half of NFL teams, and with good reason. A body in proper alignment moves more efficiently and quickly than one out of alignment. If you work with your body for a living, it makes sense to have a family chiropractor in Kansas City you trust because they can help minimize injuries and heal them more quickly.

A family chiropractor in Kansas City has treatment that has a lot to offer people of all ages. Family chiropractors treat both the well and ill, not to mention those who are injured or those who are trying to avoid getting hurt. If you've been considering Form Chiropractic care, you'll be joining an increasing number of Kansas City patients who are accepting treatment that doesn't involve drugs or surgery. Visit a Kansas City chiropractic office right now to find out more about the advantages of receiving chiropractic care. Allow us to heal you again!


Say goodbye to pain medication and Visit a Kansas City chiropractic office

At some point in their lives, everyone wants to be that witty old man or woman. Even though nobody enjoys growing old, being healthy and elderly is preferable to being elderly and in a nursing home in Kansas City when the time comes. Regretfully, fate has a lot to do with how our lives unfold in the final stages—or does it?

According to studies, those who lead active lives typically experience improved health as they age. Moving about your body promotes:

·         Looser joints

·         Less pain

·         Lower risk of injury

Many Kansas City community members that are in excellent health, will find that an old injury is causing them to slow down and become arthritic. A family chiropractor in Kansas City can help you live a longer life.


Refusing Painkillers

Later in life, a family chiropractor in Kansas City is also beneficial. By selecting a non-pharmaceutical approach to pain management, like neck pain treatment in Kansas City, you can spare your kidneys and liver the ongoing strain of eliminating these substances from your body. Your organs pay a price for many prescription painkillers, and stressing them can significantly reduce your life expectancy.

Pain can be significantly reduced or eliminated with Form Chiropractic care.

Avoiding painkillers can help your organs function better for longer, even in younger people. The current opioid crisis is killing thousands of people far before they reach retirement age, so learning effective pain management techniques is now essential to overall health.


Enhancing Mental Health

You won't be able to enjoy the years you've added if all of your attention is on your suffering. Receiving a Form Chiropractic adjustment in KC can help you feel better, regain your range of motion, and concentrate on the things that really matter in life. That is your loved ones, your life, and the happiness of being alive. A family chiropractor in Kansas City can be a significant step toward living years that are worthwhile.

While there isn't a one-size-fits-all approach to Form Chiropractic care, it can undoubtedly help make your golden years more:

·         Fulfilling

·         Healthy

·         Enjoyable

Making the decision to live a healthier life by visiting a Kansas City chiropractic office is one of the best things you can do for yourself if you want to live to see your grandchildren through graduation and beyond.


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic, also works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
#1 Sports Injury Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City : Dangerous Winter Injuries

Why you need a Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City for Common Winter Injuries

A sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City knows that most people slowdown in the winter so they can spend time with their families during the holidays. But did you know that this season has a lot of injuries that happen often? The dangers of winter include slippery sidewalks or sled injuries and there are more chances of getting into an accident that would require the help of a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City or a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City.

Here are some of the most common injuries that happen in the winter and why a chiropractor might be able to help.


Ankle Wounds

A sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City knows that in the winter, ankle sprains and strains happen all the time, and it's not hard to see why. Ankle injuries can happen in winter sports like:

·         Indoor Soccer

·         Hockey

·         Skiing

·         Ice skating

·         Basketball

If you hurt your ankle and it is really bothering you acupuncture chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City can help, you should put ice on it as soon as possible.

Talk to your sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City as soon as possible so they can look at your injury and set up a treatment plan to help you heal faster and with less pain. The Midtown Kansas City chiropractor will want to do different stretches and adjustments so that you can heal quick and have less pain.


Knee problems

A sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City knows that most of the impact that happens during the day is taken up by the knees. This could mean running, riding a bike, walking, or even making a quick turn. When it comes to midtown knee injuries, most serious ones are caused by sports like:

·         Skating

·         Skiing

·         Volleyball

A knee injury, on the other hand, can be caused by something as simple as walking on a sidewalk with bumps. If you aren't careful and don't see a chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, you could make the injury worse and end up with something more serious that might need surgery.



Head injuries

During the winter, one of the most common ways to get a concussion is to fall or slip on ice in Midtown. This can happen if you fall while skiing or snowboarding, for example. Concussions can be hard to spot and can't be seen with the naked eye, so it's important to know the signs so you can get help in Kansas City right away.

·         Confused about things that would normally be clear

·         They felt dizzy and had trouble staying on their feet

·         Having a hard time staying awake and being very tired

·         Feeling sick or even throwing up for no obvious reason

·         Having trouble seeing clearly or concentrating

Let's say that someone you know fell and is showing any of these signs. In that case, it's important to get them to a Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office so the injury can be looked at and a good plan made. This can help them get better and keep them from getting hurt more.

Life can get a little slippery in the winter, both in a metaphorical and a literal way. From twisting an ankle on the ice rink to hurting your knee on a bumpy sidewalk, it seems like accidents are just waiting to happen. That's when a Midtown Kansas City chiropractor comes in handy.

Want to recap about injuries to the ankle? People who like to play hockey, ski, or even indoor soccer know all too well that they can get sprains and strains from these sports. If you hurt your ankle, don't just ignore it. Get help from a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. They can look at the damage and make a treatment plan to get you back on your feet faster.

Reminder that knee problems can happen to anyone, and they aren't just caused by sports injuries. Even taking a short walk on an icy sidewalk can hurt your knees. Don't let a small problem grow into something worse. See a chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City who can make the adjustments and give you the advice you need to keep things from getting worse.

Don't forget about head injuries either. Slip-and-fall accidents often cause head injuries, and winter is no different. Go to a chiropractic office in Midtown Kansas City to get a proper diagnosis and a well-rounded plan for getting better.

Winter has its risks, but with the help of a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, you can face some of the most common winter injuries head-on. Stay safe, keep warm, and don't forget to ask for help when you need it.



Check out some of these amazing reviews:


I recently started seeing Dr. Garrett at Form for a back issue brought on by exercise, and both he and the rest of the office team are great! I appreciate his honesty in what role I play in the healing process along with the care plan he’s proposing. Misty at the front desk is kind and very funny. Overall a great spot to be seen as an individual who wants to be well!  - Meggie S.


So, it was my first ever visit to this kind of thing. It really worked. I got my shoulder muscle pulled during shoulder workout in gym. I started having pain the moment I try to lift my shoulder up. The Dr Graffin (I guess) did the trick...He put some pressure on my shoulder in a way that made cracking sound and i felt instant relief. Its my second day I am feeling much better.  - Muhammad T.




Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
#1 Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City Treats Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

A Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City Treats Golfer's Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis)

Medial Epicondylitis (more commonly known as Golfer’s Elbow) happens in a lot of different sports and activities besides golf.  This inflammatory condition is usually felt on the inside of the elbow. It is caused by overuse and repetitive movements that put stress on the tendons attached to the medial epicondyle.

Tennis elbow is usually what most people have.  The inside of the elbow is usually affected, as are the forearm and wrist.  A golfer's elbow can cause long-term problems not just with your golf game but also with other parts of your life. There can be chronic pain, a limited range of motion in the elbow, or tight muscles that make it hard and painful to move the elbow. Some people seek the help of acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City for this ailment.  

Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: What causes golfer's elbow?

·         Pain: There can be sudden pain or pain that gets worse over time near the inside of the elbow. This pain may or may not go down the arm and into the hand.

·         Grip Weakness: It is when it's hard to hold on to things or hold a golf club. A tendon near the elbow could be the cause.

·         Pins and Needles or Numbness: The ulnar nerve runs through the inner elbow, and if it gets pinched, pins and needles or numbness can happen in the hands.

·         Contractures: If the tendons are badly damaged or tight, it can be hard to straighten the elbow.

·         Reduced Range of Motion: Muscle tightness and pain, like contractures, can make it hard to move the elbow in most ways.


Set up an appointment to treat golfer's elbow today!


Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: Who Gets Golfer's Elbow Most Often?

Well, golfers of course! Golfer’s Elbow doesn’t just affect your game but other parts of your life too. There can even be ongoing pain and you might not have the range of motion you once did. Even though it happens a lot in golf, it can also happen in other sports like:

·         Weight lifting

·         Racquetball

·         Tennis, especially after a lot of forehand shots

Sometimes a lot of other things you do could be affected throughout the day. 

If you think you have Golfer's Elbow, you should see a chiropractor for a thorough exam to find out if it is really Golfer's Elbow or one of the other conditions.


Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: Other Possibilities?

·         Stress break or avulsion break

·         Tennis Elbow

·         Radial Tunnel Disease

·         Entrapped Nerve (Single Nerve Disease)

·         Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, or Rheumatoid Arthritis

·         Pull or Sprain?


What Does Golfer's Elbow Treatment by a Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City Look Like?

First, a correct diagnosis is needed to make sure that the treatment will work. Our chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City knows a lot about elbow problems and other arm pain problems that are related to elbow problems. This means that they can accurately diagnose your condition. We do a thorough exam and history, as well as the right diagnostic tests, to get you feeling better as quickly as possible.


In our Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office, we use cutting-edge treatment methods like acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City to reduce pain, stabilize the elbow, and make it less likely that the problem will come back.  These may include:

·         Myofascial release

·         Chiropractic adjustments

·         Exercise rehabilitation

·         Muscle release techniques

·         Cold laser therapy

·         Electrotherapy

·         Icing modalities


Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City

a good chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City says if you think you might have golfer's elbow, you must see general doctor to get a diagnosis and treatment. In our Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office we do thorough exams, look at the patient's medical history, and may use diagnostic tests to get an accurate diagnosis.

At Form Chiropractic, musculoskeletal health is looked at from every angle. In addition to helping with golfer's elbow, they can help with neck pain in Midtown Kansas City, sports injuries, pain caused by pregnancy, and more.

Are you an athlete? Or do you just have everyday bone pain? Either way you might want to see a good chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City for complete care.



Don’t take our word for it. Check out these Google Reviews!


“Dr. Tyler Smith is incredible! I was very nervous to go to a chiropractor at first, but now I go every two weeks. Dr. Tyler Smith is very knowledgeable and helps you understand why your body reacts the way it does to certain things you do daily. He even gives you exercises to do at home if you ask. Best chiropractor ever!!!”  -Ashley


“I visited Dr. Tyler's office yesterday for the first time. He's located about an hour and half from home. He uses a procedure that I was interested in. He took the time to make me feel very comfortable and asked a lot of questions. I felt he legitimately cared and never wanted to hurt me; always asking if I was ok. I've seen several chiropractors over the years and I left there refreshed and rejuvenated instead of almost unable to walk. He was unable to unstick my hips. I felt like I was floating afterwards. It was THE BEST chiropractic experience and I highly recommend him.” -Leslie





Get in touch with Form Chiropractic right away to set up an exam and talk about treatment options that are tailored to your condition and goals. Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.


Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your unique goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.

Tyler Smith
Motor Vehicle Injury Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: 5 Common Injuries


Motor Vehicle Injury Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: 5 Common Injuries


Having a car accident can be unpleasant and detrimental to your physical and mental health. Car accident survivors may experience pain or possibly injury. Your primary care physician should examine you if you have been hurt in a car accident. Consider receiving treatments from a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City to recover more quickly.

The automobile accident injuries that we frequently treat at our chiropractic practice in Midtown Kansas City are listed below.


A Midtown Kansas City Chiropractic Office Treats Concussions

It is simple to strike your head on the dashboard or steering wheel during a car collision, which can result in a concussion. A concussion, which can result in headaches, memory loss, and confusion, could potentially be brought on by the deployment of an airbag. To prevent permanent brain damage from head traumas, it's crucial to seek medical attention right away.

Visit a headache chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City like Form Chiropractic to avoid headaches brought on by car accidents. The correct chiropractic care might lessen some of your discomfort while you are recovering.


A Midtown Kansas City Chiropractic Office Treats Back and neck injuries

A collision's powerful, quick impact might seriously hurt your body. These injuries can occasionally go unnoticed at first. Your neck and back may have developed herniated or ruptured disks as a result of the accident, which could have affected your mobility. However, the majority of neck and back ailments can be addressed by a chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. Serious instances may necessitate surgery.


A Midtown Kansas City Chiropractic Office Treats Broken Bones

You might bump parts of your body against your car due to the force and speed of a car accident. Examples include having your arm trapped against a car door or breaking some ribs due to your seatbelt trapping you against the seat. 

You can't get much assistance from a chiropractor until the cast is removed from the afflicted location. Once it's gone, getting chiropractic care for vehicle accidents in Midtown Kansas City might hasten your recuperation.



A Midtown Kansas City Chiropractic Office Treats Bruising/Contusions

One of the most frequent injuries resulting from auto accidents is bruises. Although bruises are normally not major wounds, they may cause some soreness. Visit a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City to reduce the pain associated with a contusion or bruise instead of waiting for it to heal naturally.


A Midtown Kansas City Chiropractic Office Treats Whiplash

Whiplash is a neck or back injury brought on by moving quickly while hunched over. Whiplash can cause pain that lasts for days and may need medical intervention. Whiplash or any other damage incurred in a car accident can be relieved with the help of a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City.

You can suffer physical and psychological harm as a result of car accidents. If you leave hurt or sore, you should get medical attention. Seeing a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City might also help you feel better and heal more quickly.

Motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City is a non-invasive treatment option that can be used alone or alongside traditional medical treatments. At Form Chiropractic in Midtown Kansas City, we offer a variety of services to help you recover from auto accident injuries. These include spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and rehabilitation exercises. Our personalized approach to chiropractic care ensures that each patient's unique needs are met.

  1. Spinal Adjustments: This is the primary chiropractic technique used to treat back pain and neck pain caused by car accidents. During the procedure, our chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City uses their hands or a small instrument to apply a controlled force to the spine. This helps to realign the spine and reduce pain.

  2. Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City: This is an ancient Chinese medicine practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body. It can help to reduce pain, improve circulation, and promote healing. Acupuncture can be particularly effective in treating neck and back pain caused by car accidents.

  3. Rehabilitation Exercises: These are specific exercises designed to help strengthen the body and prevent future injury. Our chiropractor will work with you to develop a personalized exercise plan based on your unique needs and abilities. Rehabilitation exercises can help to improve flexibility, increase range of motion, and reduce pain.


Benefits of Chiropractic Care for Auto Accident Injuries

Seeking care after a car accident from our chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City can have numerous benefits, including reducing pain and inflammation, improving range of motion, and promoting healing. Unlike medications or surgery, chiropractic care is non-invasive and does not come with the side effects that many prescription drugs do.

In addition, chiropractic care can help to prevent long-term damage from auto accident injuries, such as chronic pain or mobility issues. By addressing the root cause of the pain rather than just masking the symptoms, chiropractic care can help patients achieve long-lasting relief. At Form Chiropractic in Midtown Kansas City, our motor vehicle injury chiropractor provides comprehensive care to help you recover from your injuries and get back to your regular activities.



Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Understanding Back Pain in Midtown Kansas City: Common Causes, Risks, and Gender-Specific Conditions

Understanding Back Pain in Midtown Kansas City: Common Causes, Risks, and Gender-Specific Conditions

If you are like most Americans, you have experienced back pain at one point or another in your life. The best chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City knows that daily activities such as bending, crouching, or even just sitting for long periods can cause back pain.

Back pain is one of the most common reasons for individuals to: miss work, file disability claims, and go to the doctor.


What causes the need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City?

The spine is made up of discs, nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. These different parts all work together in order to produce mobility in a person. When these parts fail, it can cause pain and limited movement for an individual. Here are some common conditions that our family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City often treats.

Muscle strain – this can be caused by lifting an item that’s too heavy or using improper lifting techniques

Slipped ruptured or bulging disk – the space in-between each disk can move, causing pressure on a nerve

Inflammation or arthritis – this causes the space around the spinal cord to be much smaller

Osteoporosis – when your bones become brittle and unstable


Who’s most likely to need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City?


  1. Lifting wrong – Forgetting about proper form when bending or lifting can result in significant injury and pain. The best family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, Form Chiropractic suggests making sure when you are lifting, you are using your legs and not your back to carry the weight.

  2. Carrying excess weight – Being overweight has many health dangers but putting pressure and strain on your back is a big one. Every pound you are overweight causes a little extra strain.

  3. Age – Unfortunately, one of the signs of aging is back pain. This can start as early as 30 but maybe something that is carried throughout the rest of your life at one time or another.

  4. Lacking exercise – Working out your muscles, particularly ones in your back and stomach, helps support the rest of your body and generates stronger muscles that provide good posture.

  5. Depression- This usually causes people to be less active and more sedimentary. A sedimentary lifestyle does translate to an increase in back pain.


Thinking about an alternative treatment?

Try Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City!


Having discussed the various causes and risks of back pain in general, it is essential to recognize that women may face specific conditions when it comes to chiropractic care. The unique anatomy, hormonal changes, and life events that women experience can result in different types of back pain and discomfort.

In the following section, we will delve deeper into the top back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City for women and explore how these conditions affect them differently compared to men. By understanding these gender-specific issues, both patients and healthcare professionals can better address and manage back pain in women.



Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City for Women

Back pain is something that both women and men face. However, there are conditions that tend to affect more women than men. Keeping this in mind when working with the best family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, here is our list of conditions that women face when it comes to chiropractic care.



This is a joint dysfunction that causes pain where the bottom of your spine connects to your pelvis. Women have smaller joints in this area which causes more problems like achy joint pain around the buttocks.


Piriformis syndrome

Because of pregnancies and hormone fluctuation, this syndrome is found in women. It is a muscle ache or spasm located in the buttocks and hip area that is worse when getting out of bed or after sitting for a long period of time.


Degenerative spondylolisthesis

When the body is low on estrogen, such as during menopause in women, the discs in the spine can get loose and cause lower back pain when walking. The pain from this condition does tend to feel better when you curve your spine forward.


Want to try a different approach?

Try Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City!


Tailbone Pain

According to the best chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, tailbone pain is usually due to events, like a car accident, lifting a heavy box, or in women during childbirth. An injury to the tailbone is usually worse when sitting down, stretching backward, or sitting.



This condition causes pain in the pelvis, genital, or stomach region of the body. Endometriosis is a disorder specifically in women and causes uterus tissues to grow outside of the womb causing significant pain.


Spinal Osteoporosis fractures

Osteoporosis happens to women throughout their life span but is more likely after menopause. It does cause pain in the mid-back region, which can be confused with other conditions associated with lung or heart pain. The best Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office can help diagnose and treat the causes and pain associated with this condition.


Spinal Osteoarthritis

Joints that connect your vertebrae have cartilage that can break down over time, causing significant pain. When the cartilage is no longer cushioning these connections, it causes pain on one or both sides of your back. The best chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City suggests the pain caused by this condition is relieved when you bend your spine forward.



Form Chiropractic


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
Unlocking the Benefits of #1 Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City: Alleviating Headaches, Muscle Tension, and More

Unlocking the Benefits of Chiropractic Care: Alleviating Headaches, Muscle Tension, and More—There are many reasons why patients are regular visitors to their respective chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. Whether it’s for sore muscles, sports injuries, or an annual physical, chiropractors can help patients recover from a variety of different ailments using numerous different treatment methods.

This article will cover some of the most common reasons why people visit their Midtown Kansas City family chiropractor and some of the most popular treatment methods. The top reasons to visit a Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office are:

·         Headaches

·         Back Pain

·         Neck Pain



Obviously, the pain involved with a headache is felt in the head area, but multiple other things could be the root of this issue. Back problems are a common reason why people suffer from headaches, as misaligned vertebrae can cause excess tension and pain can become trapped. If someone is suffering from back issues like these and do not receive proper treatment, the pain will move up to the head.

Headaches can also be chronic, and that is especially true for those that suffer from migraines. Some chiropractors specifically work as a migraine chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City due to how common these types of headaches are. In fact, nearly 12% of Americans can suffer from these intense headaches, and many seek treatment to help relieve the pain or pressure of the most extreme migraines.


Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

For anyone suffering from back issues, they are probably best friends with their chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, as back problems are probably the most common reason why patients visit their chiropractor regularly. For anything from upper-back issues to lower-back pain, back problems can significantly impact your daily life as we use our back for most of our daily tasks.

Anytime your body twists, even for a simple task like extending your arm, your back is part of each specific movement. When your back is stiff or sore, you will be able to feel the pain in tightness with each little move, and it’s one of the many reasons why people with back problems are regulars at their Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office.


Neck Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Neck pain can most commonly be caused by poor sleeping habits, like falling asleep on the couch, poor head & neck support from your pillows, or constantly staring up or down at something (phone or tv/movie screen, for example). A few minor adjustments by a Midtown Kansas City family chiropractor may be able to resolve minor issues like these, but more severe neck injuries may require a visit to a head and neck specialist.

While chiropractic care in Midtown Kansas City has been shown to effectively address various health concerns such as back pain and neck pain, it is also important to recognize its benefits for headache relief. In particular, teenagers experiencing hormonal changes can be more susceptible to headaches, making chiropractic treatment an invaluable resource for this age group at Midtown Kansas City chiropractic office.

By understanding the triggers and causes of headaches, as well as the importance of muscle tension management, patients can experience significant relief from their symptoms while benefiting from the expertise of a chiropractor. With this in mind, let's dive deeper into the ways their chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City can specifically help those suffering from headaches and explore some practical tips for managing muscle tension and other potential causes.



How Chiropractic Care Can Help Headaches

Headaches have long been a frustration for millions of Americans, adult and children alike. According to the best pediatric chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, teens are susceptible to headaches at high rates because of their body and hormone changes. Everyone suffers a headache at one time or another in their life, but some people tend to have more than others. If headaches seem to be happening more and more often for you, there could be several reasons why.

Suffering through headaches isn't a good way to resolve this issue but seeking the services of the best headache chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, Form Chiropractic is the best solution to end your headaches. Headache pain can range from a dull and throbbing sensation to extreme pain when moving your head in the slightest manner. Regardless of pain level, no pain is the best goal, and seeking the help of a chiropractor can help you reach that goal.


Headaches can be triggered by several reasons, according to leading experts:

·         Blood sugar drops

·         Insomnia and other sleep disturbances

·         Certain diseases

·         Stress

·         Teeth Grinding

·         Certain Foods

·         Environmental causes such as noises or lights

·         Hormone changes. Major hormone fluctuations can happen with children and teens, and the best pediatric chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City can help ease these symptoms.


Although these specific triggers can cause your headache, the main reason for most headaches is muscle tension. Muscle tension is typically caused by sitting for long periods of time, such as at a desk or in front of a computer or TV. This can be treated by an experienced headache chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, by relieving that muscle tension.

There are a few things you can do on your own to relieve or prevent muscle tension if you find yourself having to sit for an extended period of time:


  • It's essential to take breaks and get up to stretch every hour. Anytime you are sedimentary, doing a puzzle, sewing, working on a computer or watching tv. Taking time to stretch helps relieve the muscles and allows your body to have a break from the built-up tension that sitting builds.

  • If you are a teeth grinder, having a simple bite plate added to your sleep routine will protect your teeth and prevent your jaw from grinding and causing a headache.

  • If you are not drinking enough fluids, dehydration can take place, and dehydration is a common cause of headaches. Make sure you are drinking fluids throughout the day to stay healthy and hydrated.


Form Chiropractic


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
The Best Chiropractor in Midtown for Back and Neck Pain Treatment

The Best Chiropractor in Midtown for Back and Neck Pain Treatment—-Are you struggling with persistent back or neck pain that's affecting your daily life? Look no further than the best chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer comprehensive and effective treatments tailored to your specific needs. With a focus on providing top-notch back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, our skilled chiropractors are dedicated to helping you achieve lasting relief and improved overall health.


Personalized Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Back pain can be debilitating, making even the simplest tasks feel like a challenge. Our experienced chiropractors in Midtown understand the complexities of back pain and will work closely with you to develop a customized treatment plan. This may include spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and targeted exercises to address the root cause of your discomfort and help restore your mobility.


Say Goodbye to Chronic Back Pain

With our specialized back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, you can finally say goodbye to chronic pain and regain control of your life. Our chiropractors use a combination of proven techniques and the latest advancements in chiropractic care to provide you with the most effective treatment possible. Let us help you get back to living your life without the constant burden of back pain.


Expert Neck Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Neck pain can be caused by various factors, including poor posture, muscle strain, or more serious issues like herniated discs. Our highly skilled family chiropractors in Midtown Kansas City are experts in identifying the underlying causes of your neck pain and developing a targeted treatment plan to alleviate discomfort.


Regain Your Range of Motion

Our neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City aims to restore your range of motion, reduce inflammation, and improve your overall quality of life. By utilizing a combination of spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and corrective exercises, we'll help you achieve lasting relief from neck pain and prevent future occurrences.

After addressing your back and neck pain with the help of the best family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, you might be wondering what to do if you're ever involved in an auto accident. It's important to know that our Midtown clinic also features a comprehensive motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. Just like with back and neck pain treatment, our chiropractors are dedicated to helping patients recover from injuries sustained in car accidents and regain their quality of life.


Comprehensive Auto Accident Chiropractic Care in Midtown Kansas City: Alleviate Pain and Restore Mobility

Auto accidents can lead to life-changing injuries, and discomfort may not become apparent until days after the event. For those suffering from back or neck injuries caused by an accident, seeking a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City is an ideal choice for addressing these issues and promoting healing.


Why Choose a  Motor Vehicle Injury Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City for Your Injuries?

A visit to a reputable Midtown chiropractic office typically involves a thorough physical examination, review of your medical history, and X-rays to assess the extent of your injuries. Our chiropractors specialize in auto accident chiropractic care, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible to alleviate pain and restore mobility.


Whiplash Symptoms and Treatment

Whiplash is a common injury sustained during auto accidents, and its symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, neck pain, pain in the arms and shoulders, blurry vision, and even depression. Choosing a chiropractor who specializes in auto accident chiropractic care is essential to address these symptoms effectively.

At our Midtown chiropractic clinic, we offer comprehensive whiplash treatment designed to reduce inflammation, restore range of motion, and promote natural healing through methods like acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. With personalized care plans, our skilled chiropractors will help you regain your quality of life and recover from your auto accident injuries.


Experience Results-Driven Auto Accident Chiropractic Care in Midtown

When it comes to recovering from auto accident injuries, don't settle for anything less than the best. Our Midtown chiropractic clinic offers results-driven chiropractic care tailored to your specific needs including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. We will ensure that you receive the highest level of care and attention throughout your recovery process.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and begin your journey towards a pain-free life with our expert motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. Let us help you overcome the challenges brought on by your injuries and regain your mobility and well-being.


Schedule Your Consultation Today

Don't let back and neck pain hold you back any longer. Experience the difference of personalized chiropractic care at the best chiropractor in Midtown. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and take the first step towards a pain-free life. Discover the wide range of services we offer, and let us help you achieve optimal health and well-being.



Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Relieve Back Pain with Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City

Relieve Back Pain with Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City—Are you tired of living with chronic back pain that hinders your everyday activities? Have you tried traditional methods of pain relief without success? You are not alone. Chronic back pain affects millions of people worldwide, and it can be debilitating. While medication and surgery can provide short-term relief, they come with their own set of side effects.

At Form Chiropractic in Midtown Kansas City, we offer back pain treatment in Midtown to individuals suffering from chronic back pain. We specialize in acupuncture and chiropractic care, two alternative forms of pain relief that have been helping people for centuries. Our experienced practitioners work tirelessly to provide treatments that are tailored to individual patient needs, helping each patient achieve a pain-free life.

If you are looking for alternatives to traditional methods of pain relief, read on to learn how acupuncture and chiropractic care can help you. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of acupuncture in midtown Kansas City, the effectiveness of chiropractic care, the importance of choosing a qualified chiropractor, and why Form Chiropractic is the best clinic for your needs. By the end of this article, you'll have a clear understanding of how we can help you relieve back pain and how to schedule a consultation with us. Live a pain-free life with Form Chiropractic.


The Benefits of Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City

Acupuncture in midtown Kansas City, is a traditional Chinese medical practice that involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate nerve-rich areas. This alternative form of treatment is renowned for its effectiveness in treating chronic pain.

Acupuncture is a safe and effective pain-relief treatment that has very few side effects. At Form Chiropractic, our licensed acupuncturists apply this ancient technique to alleviate back pain caused by various conditions, i.e. musculoskeletal concerns, arthritis, or fibromyalgia.



Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Midtown

Chiropractic care, on the other hand, involves a non-invasive approach to treating chronic back pain. At Form Chiropractic, our practitioners use manual spinal adjustments to realign the spine and reduce compression on the nerves. This, in turn, helps reduce inflammation and for back pain treatment in Midtown.

Chiropractic care is a safe and effective form of treatment for chronic back pain. Our practitioners at Form Chiropractic are highly skilled and experienced in this area of expertise, making them the ideal professionals to visit for pain relief.


Choose a Qualified Acupuncture Chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City

When it comes to neck pain treatment in Midtown, it is essential to choose a qualified and experienced practitioner. At Form Chiropractic, our chiropractors are board-certified and have extensive years of experience treating patients with chronic back pain. We provide treatments that are tailored specifically to your needs, from lifestyle modifications to exercises and self-care tips.


Why Choose Form Chiropractic?

At Form Chiropractic, we offer a holistic approach to pain management. We take the time to evaluate your condition correctly and work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan to help you lead a pain-free life. Our chiropractic clinic in Midtown Kansas City welcomes individuals looking for alternative treatments to chronic pain.

Understanding the Role of Nutrition in Managing Back Pain

While acupuncture in midtown Kansas City, and chiropractic care are essential components of pain management, nutrition also plays a vital role. Studies have shown that certain foods can cause inflammation, which is linked to chronic pain. In contrast, other foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains have anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce pain.

At Form Chiropractic, we understand the importance of nutrition in managing back pain. Our team of experts works with patients to assess their dietary habits and provide recommendations for healthy, anti-inflammatory foods. A family chiropractor in Midtown also advise patients on the importance of staying hydrated for optimal back health, especially for individuals with sedentary lifestyles.



Empowering Patients with Self-Care Tips for Long-Term Pain Relief

At Form Chiropractic, our goal is not just to provide treatment but also to empower our patients to take control of their own pain management. In addition to chiropractic care and acupuncture, we provide patients with self-care tips that can help maximize their pain relief.

These tips include exercises to improve posture, proper lifting techniques, and stretching routines. We also provide ergonomic advice for workplace modifications and other daily activities to prevent pain recurrence. By empowering our patients with knowledge and tools for self-care, we can help them achieve long-term pain relief and live the life they've always wanted.


Take the First Step Towards Living a Pain-Free Life

As we conclude, it's important to remember that chronic back pain can significantly affect your quality of life. It can interfere with your work, social life, and general well-being. If you've been struggling to find relief, it's time to try alternative treatments like acupuncture and chiropractic care.

At Form Chiropractic in Midtown Kansas City, our chiropractors that do acupuncture in midtown Kansas City have the experience and expertise to help you relieve back pain and achieve a pain-free life. Our team of licensed acupuncturists and certified chiropractors work with you to design a treatment plan that is tailored specifically to your individual needs.

Get back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and take action today. You can schedule a consultation, and we'll help you get back to doing the things you love. With our holistic approach to pain management, you can achieve long-term relief and lead a fulfilling life.



Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.


Tyler Smith
How to Improve Your Posture and Get #1 Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

How to Improve Your Posture and Get Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City —-Poor posture can have several adverse effects on your health. It can cause back pain, shoulder pain, and even headaches. The good news is that you can improve your posture and reduce back pain by making some simple changes in your daily routine. In this article, we will discuss how you can improve your posture and reduce back pain.


Why Good Posture is Important for Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Good posture refers to the alignment of the joints in your body with the rest of your body. When your joints are aligned correctly, your muscles, bones, and ligaments work as they should, reducing the wear and tear on your body.

Poor posture, on the other hand, puts a strain on your muscles and joints, causing them to work harder than they should. This strain can lead to back pain, shoulder pain, and other related health problems.


Tips for Improving Your Posture

  1. Sit Up Straight: The first step to improving your posture is to sit up straight when sitting down. Keep your back straight, shoulders relaxed, and feet planted on the ground.

  2. Adjust Your Computer Screen: If you work on a computer for an extended period, it's crucial to adjust your computer screen at eye level to avoid straining your neck.

  3. Take Breaks: Take frequent breaks to stand up and stretch every hour. This helps to avoid strain on your spine and reduce the risk of back pain.

  4. Exercise: Regular exercise, such as yoga, can help strengthen your core and improve your posture. And help avoid the need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City.



Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

If you are experiencing back or shoulder pain, it's essential to seek professional help. An acupuncture chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, offers back pain treatment and shoulder pain treatment. Their team of chiropractors is specially trained to provide effective treatments that are tailored to each patient's unique needs.

Form Chiropractic uses a holistic approach to treatment that focuses on the root cause of pain, rather than merely treating the symptoms. They offer a range of treatments, including spinal adjustments, massage therapy, and rehabilitation exercises.


Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Shoulder pain is a common problem that can be caused by poor posture, repetitive motion, or an injury. If you are experiencing shoulder pain, it's important to seek professional help.

Form Chiropractic offers shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City in addition to back pain treatment. Our team of chiropractors has years of experience treating patients with various types of shoulder pain, from rotator cuff injuries to frozen shoulder syndrome.

Form Chiropractic also specializes in neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, and uses a patient-centered approach to treatment, focusing on the root cause of pain rather than simply treating symptoms. We work closely with patients to develop personalized treatment plans tailored to their specific needs.


Preventing Back and Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown

Preventing back and shoulder pain is crucial for maintaining good posture and overall health. The following tips can help prevent pain:

  1. Exercise regularly to strengthen your muscles and improve flexibility. Activities such as yoga and Pilates can also help improve posture.

  2. Maintain a healthy weight to avoid unnecessary strain on your joints and muscles.

  3. Avoid repetitive motions or activities that put a strain on your muscles and joints.

  4. Take frequent breaks if you spend long hours sitting at a desk or in front of a computer screen.


By following these tips, you can help prevent back and shoulder pain.



The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a natural and effective treatment option for back pain and shoulder pain. Here are some of the benefits of chiropractic care:

  1. Non-invasive: Chiropractic care is non-invasive, meaning there is no need for surgery or medication.

  2. Pain relief: Chiropractic adjustments can relieve pain and discomfort caused by poor posture, injury, or other factors.

  3. Improved range of motion: Chiropractic care can help improve range of motion, making it easier to move and perform daily activities.

  4. Holistic approach: Chiropractors take a holistic approach to treatment, addressing the root cause of pain rather than just the symptoms, especially with an acupuncture chiropractor in Midtown.


Getting Started with Chiropractic Care

If you are interested in getting started with chiropractic care, there are some things you should know. First, chiropractic care is safe and effective when performed by a licensed and trained chiropractor.

At Form Chiropractic, our team of chiropractors has years of experience treating patients with back pain, shoulder pain, and other related conditions. We take a personalized approach to treatment, working closely with patients to develop customized treatment plans that address their unique needs.

To schedule a consultation with a chiropractor at Form Chiropractic in Midtown Kansas City, simply contact our office. We offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate patients' busy schedules.




In conclusion, poor posture can lead to several health problems, including back pain and shoulder pain. To improve your posture, make simple changes to your daily routine, such as sitting up straight and taking breaks. If you are experiencing pain, seeking shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City from a chiropractor such as Form Chiropractic can help you get the relief you need. With the right back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, you can reduce pain and enjoy better overall health and well-being.


 Form Chiropractic


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Preventing Back Pain: #1 Tips for Kansas City Office Workers

Preventing Back Pain: Tips for Kansas City Office Workers


As an office worker in Kansas City, you are probably well aware of the pain that can come with sitting for extended periods of time. Back pain and neck pain are common ailments that can significantly impact your day-to-day life. But fear not, there are things you can do to prevent these pains and keep them at bay. Here are some tips for preventing the need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City for office workers.


Get up and Move

Sitting for long periods of time is one of the leading causes the need for back pain and neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City. To prevent this, make sure to take frequent breaks to stand up and stretch. Try to get up and move around every 30 minutes to an hour. This will help to alleviate pressure on your back and neck and keep your muscles loose and limber.


Invest in a Good Chair

The chair you sit in can have a significant impact on your back health. Make sure to invest in a good quality chair that offers good lumbar support. Look for a chair that can be adjusted to fit your body and support proper posture.


Use Good Posture

Speaking of posture, using proper posture is essential for preventing the need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and neck pain treatment. Make sure to sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor. Avoid slouching, leaning forward, or crossing your legs. Additionally, position your computer monitor so that it is at eye level to avoid straining your neck.



In addition to taking frequent breaks, stretching is another great way to prevent the need for back pain and neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City. Consider stretching your hamstrings, hip flexors, neck, and shoulders on a regular basis to keep your muscles limber and pain-free.



Seek Treatment When Necessary

If you are experiencing back pain treatment or neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, consider seeking treatment from a professional chiropractor. Form Chiropractic can provide back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, as well as neck pain treatment in Kansas City. With their expertise and knowledge of the human body, they can help to identify the root cause of your pain and develop a treatment plan to alleviate it.


Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is crucial for maintaining good health, especially when it comes to your back and neck. When you are dehydrated, your muscles can become tense and tight, which can lead to pain and discomfort. Make sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and your muscles relaxed.


Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise can help to strengthen your back and neck muscles, as well as improve your overall health and well-being. Consider incorporating activities like yoga, Pilates, or strength training into your routine to help build strong, flexible muscles. Make sure to consult with a professional before starting any new exercise regimen.

Regular exercise can help prevent the need for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and neck pain in several ways:

  • Strengthening your back and neck muscles: By strengthening your back and neck muscles, you'll be better equipped to support your spine and avoid pain and injury.

  • Improving flexibility: Regular exercise can help improve your flexibility, which can reduce tension in your muscles and improve your range of motion. This can also help reduce the risk of strains and sprains.

  • Reducing inflammation: Exercise has been shown to reduce inflammation in the body, which can help alleviate pain and discomfort associated with back pain and neck pain.

  • Improving posture: Regular exercise can help improve your posture, which can reduce the pressure on your back and neck and reduce the risk of pain and injury.


By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can build strong, flexible muscles and improve your overall health and well-being. This, in turn, can help prevent back pain and neck pain and reduce your risk of injury. Make sure to consult with a professional acupuncture chiropractor in Midtown or other healthcare provider before starting any new exercise regimen, especially if you have a history of back or neck pain. With their guidance, you can safely and effectively incorporate exercise into your routine and protect your back and neck from pain and injury.



Practice Stress-Reduction Techniques

Stress can greatly impact your physical and mental health, including your back and neck. Consider practicing stress-reduction techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness to help manage your stress levels. These techniques can help to alleviate tension in your muscles and protect your back and neck from strain.


Maintain a Healthy Weight

Carrying extra weight can put a significant amount of strain on your back and neck. To prevent pain and discomfort, make sure to maintain a healthy weight through a combination of diet and exercise. Eating a well-balanced diet and engaging in regular physical activity can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the amount of stress on your back and neck.

By following these tips, you can take a proactive approach to preventing back pain and neck pain in your daily life. Remember to stay hydrated, exercise regularly, manage your stress levels, and maintain a healthy weight. And, if you need additional assistance, Form Chiropractic is here to provide back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and neck pain treatment in Kansas City. Together, you can work to keep your back and neck pain-free and healthy.


Form Chiropractic


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being, serving Kansas City, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work with you to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, setting us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Reasons to Consider Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City Instead of Medication

Reasons to Consider Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City Instead of Medication

Shoulder pain can occur for a variety of reasons, from overuse and injury to postural issues and arthritis. Regardless of the cause, chronic shoulder pain can be debilitating and impact your daily activities. While medication may provide temporary relief, it does not address the root cause of the pain and can lead to long-term dependence and potential side effects. Chiropractic care offers a natural and effective alternative to medication for treating shoulder pain. Here are a few reasons to consider chiropractic care for your shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City:


Non-Invasive Treatment

Chiropractic care is a non-invasive and drug-free treatment approach that focuses on treating the underlying condition, rather than merely masking the symptoms. Chiropractic adjustments can help restore proper alignment and function to the joints, muscles, and other tissues in the shoulder. This may help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.


Individualized Care

Chiropractic care is highly personalized and tailored to your individual needs. Your chiropractor will perform a thorough evaluation and develop a customized treatment plan for your specific condition. This may include adjustments, massage therapy, stretching, and exercises designed to optimize your healing and recovery.


Long-Term Relief

Unlike medication, which only provides temporary relief, chiropractic care can provide long-term relief for shoulder pain. Chiropractors focus on treating the underlying condition rather than symptoms. This means that in addition to treating shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, chiropractors can also help address other areas such as back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City. This sometimes contributes to shoulder pain, such as poor posture or weak muscles.

shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City


Reducing Dependence on Painkillers

Chiropractic care enables you to treat your shoulder pain without relying on medication. By addressing the root cause of the pain, chiropractic care helps avoid becoming dependent on prescription drugs or over-the-counter painkillers that address only symptoms.


Improving Overall Health & Wellness

Chiropractic care can help improve overall health and wellness by restoring proper alignment and function to the body's musculoskeletal system. By promoting proper alignment, chiropractic care can help reduce tension and stress in the body, boost the immune system, and improve nerve function.


Side Effect Free Treatment

Another compelling reason to choose chiropractic care for shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City is that it doesn't come with the side effects that medications often do. Many people experience adverse side effects from long-term or frequent use of prescription or over-the-counter painkillers. By opting for chiropractic care, you can avoid potential side effects and feel good about the natural, drug-free approach to healing.


Comprehensive Shoulder Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City Approach

When you see a chiropractor for shoulder pain, they will take a comprehensive approach to treating your condition. Chiropractors have a deep understanding of how the body's musculoskeletal system works, which allows them to address underlying issues that may be contributing to your pain. By focusing on correction and healing, rather than simply masking symptoms, chiropractic care can provide long-term relief for your shoulder pain.


Improved Range of Motion

When you're dealing with shoulder pain, you may find that your range of motion is limited. Chiropractic care can help improve your range of motion and enhance your flexibility. By easing tension in the muscles and joints in the shoulder, chiropractic adjustments and other back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City can increase your mobility and make it easier to carry out your daily activities.


No Need for Surgery

For many people dealing with chronic shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, surgery may be seen as the only solution. However, chiropractic care can often provide a viable alternative to surgery. By addressing the underlying cause of your shoulder pain through adjustments, massage, and other therapies, your chiropractor can help avoid the need for invasive procedures.


Side Effect Free Treatment

Another compelling reason to choose chiropractic care for shoulder pain is that it doesn't come with the side effects that medications often do. Many people experience adverse side effects from long-term or frequent use of prescription or over-the-counter painkillers. By opting for chiropractic care, you can avoid potential side effects and feel good about the natural, drug-free approach to healing.


Comprehensive Treatment Approach

When you see a chiropractor for shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City, they will take a comprehensive approach to treating your condition. Chiropractors have a deep understanding of how the body's musculoskeletal system works, which allows them to address underlying issues that may be contributing to your pain. By focusing on correction and healing, rather than simply masking symptoms, chiropractic care can provide long-term relief for your shoulder pain.

Improved Range of Motion

When you're dealing with shoulder pain, you may find that your range of motion is limited. Chiropractic care can help improve your range of motion and enhance your flexibility. By easing tension in the muscles and joints in the shoulder, chiropractic adjustments and other back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City can increase your mobility and make it easier to carry out your daily activities.


No Need for Surgery

For many people dealing with chronic shoulder pain, surgery may be seen as the only solution. However, chiropractic care can often provide a viable alternative to surgery. By addressing the underlying cause of your shoulder pain through adjustments, massage, and other therapies, your chiropractor can help avoid the need for invasive procedures.


In conclusion, there are many reasons to consider chiropractic care for shoulder pain instead of medication. Not only is chiropractic care a natural, effective, and safe alternative to medication, but it also comes with a host of other benefits, from improved range of motion to long-term relief. If you're struggling with shoulder pain or discomfort, consider scheduling a consultation with a chiropractor today to learn more about how they can help.


  Form Chiropractic is the Official Chiropractor for Sporting KC!

Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. We offer an array of services designed to optimize your health and overall well-being. Our team proudly serves the Kansas City area, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation with one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, which sets us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.



Tyler Smith
Warning Signs and Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Back pain can be debilitating and impact every aspect of your life. When pain becomes persistent or chronic, it can be difficult to know when to seek back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City. Chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat conditions related to the musculoskeletal system, including back pain. In this post, we'll explore the warning signs that indicate it's time to see a chiropractor for your back pain, as well as the treatment options they may recommend.


Warning Signs

·         Pain that lasts for more than a few weeks

·         Pain that gets worse over time

·         Pain that radiates to other areas, such as the legs or arms

·         Numbness or tingling in the legs or arms

·         Weakness or decreased range of motion

·         Pain that is accompanied by fever or other signs of infection

If you experience any of these warning signs, it's important to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor for back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City as soon as possible. Early intervention can often prevent a condition from progressing and becoming more difficult to treat whether it is back pain or shoulder pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City.


Options for Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City


A family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City uses a variety of techniques to treat back pain, often in combination with one another. Some of the most common treatment options include:

·         Spinal adjustments: Chiropractors use their hands or a specialized tool to apply precise force to the spine, which can help to realign the vertebrae and reduce pain.

·         Massage therapy: Chiropractors may use massage to help relax stiff muscles and improve circulation.

·         Exercise and stretching: Chiropractors may prescribe specific exercises and stretches to help improve mobility and strengthen the muscles in your back.

·         Lifestyle changes: Chiropractors will often recommend changes to your daily routine, such as improved posture or weight loss, to help reduce the risk of future back pain.

·         Acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City: Acupuncture is a form of traditional Chinese medicine that involves inserting thin needles into the skin at specific points on the body known as "meridians." According to traditional Chinese medicine, the human body has hundreds of acupuncture points that are connected by energy pathways. By stimulating these points through acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City, practitioners believe that they can improve the flow of energy and promote natural healing. Many people find that acupuncture can help to alleviate back pain by reducing tension and promoting relaxation.


Chiropractic Care for Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

When you visit a chiropractor for back pain, you'll typically begin with a thorough evaluation of your condition. This may include a physical exam, imaging tests, X-rays, or MRI scans, and a discussion of your medical history and symptoms. Once your chiropractor has diagnosed the cause of your back pain or shoulder pain in Midtown Kansas City, they will develop a customized treatment plan to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.

One of the primary goals of chiropractic care for back pain is to improve spinal alignment and mobility. By adjusting the spine through manual manipulation, chiropractors can help to realign the vertebrae and reduce pressure on the nerves that may be causing pain or discomfort. Massage therapy can also be beneficial for back pain or shoulder pain in Midtown Kansas City, as it can help to relax and soothe muscles that may be tightened or strained.

In addition to spinal adjustments and massage therapy, chiropractors may recommend exercises and stretches to help improve the strength and flexibility of your back muscles. This can help to improve your range of motion and restore proper alignment to the spine. Lifestyle changes, such as improved posture or weight loss, may also be recommended to help prevent future episodes of back pain.

Overall, chiropractic care can be an effective treatment option for back pain, particularly when used in combination with other therapies such as massage, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. You can also visit a pregnancy chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City if you're experiencing back pain due to pregnancy. It's important to seek medical attention from a trained chiropractor as early as possible to prevent the condition from progressing and becoming more difficult to treat.

Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City


How to Choose a Chiropractor


Finding the right chiropractor for you is an important part of back pain treatment in Midtown. Here are a few tips for selecting a chiropractor:

·         Do your research: Look for a licensed and experienced chiropractor who has a good reputation in the field. You can search online for reviews from other patients or ask for recommendations from friends or family members.

·         Check their qualifications: Make sure the chiropractor you choose has the necessary credentials and licenses to practice in your state.

·         Ask about their approach to treatment: Chiropractors may have different approaches to treating back pain, so it's important to find one whose philosophy aligns with your goals. Especially if you have been in an accident and need a motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City.

·         Consider the location: Look for a chiropractor who is conveniently located, so you can easily attend appointments without disrupting your daily routine.


Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

When to Seek Emergency Medical Attention

In some cases, back pain can be a sign of a more serious condition that requires emergency medical attention. If you experience any of the following symptoms along with your back pain, seek medical help immediately:

·         Loss of Bladder or Bowel Control – If you experience a loss of bladder or bowel control along with your back pain, it may be a sign of cauda equina syndrome. This condition is caused by a herniated disc compressing the cauda equina nerves, which can impact bladder and bowel function. This is a medical emergency and requires immediate medical attention.

·         Numbness or Weakness in the Legs – If you experience numbness or weakness in your legs along with your back pain, it may be a sign of nerve damage or spinal cord compression. This can be caused by a herniated disc, spinal stenosis, or other conditions. This requires medical attention, as it can lead to long-term complications.

·         Severe Back Pain that Doesn't Improve with Rest – If you experience severe back pain that doesn't improve with rest or over-the-counter medications, it may be a sign of a more serious condition. This requires medical attention to determine the cause of the pain and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

·         Pain That is Accompanied by Fever, Unexplained Weight Loss, or Other Signs of Illness – If your back pain is accompanied by other signs of illness, such as fever or unexplained weight loss, it may be a sign of an underlying condition such as an infection or cancer. This requires medical attention to diagnose and treat the underlying condition.

Back pain is a common condition that can be caused by a variety of factors. While some cases of back pain can be dealt with at home with rest and self-care, others require medical attention. Chiropractors can be an effective treatment option for back pain, particularly when used in combination with other therapies like neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City. By paying attention to the warning signs and seeking chiropractic help for your shoulder pain in Midtown Kansas City or any other help you need – you can find back pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City and live a healthier, more active life.


Are you struggling with musculoskeletal issues affecting your daily life? Look no further than a sports injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City. At Form Chiropractic, we offer an array of services including acupuncture in Midtown Kansas City. Our services are designed to optimize your health and overall well-being. We proudly serve the Kansas City area, specifically the River Market, Downtown, Crossroads, and Midtown areas.

Our comprehensive services include everything from neck pain treatment in Midtown Kansas City to pregnancy. We begin with a full evaluation of one of our doctors. Any significant findings will be discussed along with your treatment options. Dr. Tyler Smith, a family chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City, will then work to create a plan designed specifically for you, based on your specific goals. We provide functional mobility consulting and selective rehabilitative exercise programs, which sets us apart from other chiropractic clinics in the area.

Back Pain Treatment in Midtown Kansas City

Form Chiropractic works with patients of all ages to diagnose and implement treatment plans to effectively treat a wide variety of musculoskeletal disorders. Our motor vehicle injury chiropractor in Midtown Kansas City conducts periodic re-evaluations of your progress with direct reference to these established outcome goals, ensuring that you receive the most effective treatment possible.

Tyler Smith
Top 7 Questions about your first appointment.

Are you thinking about scheduling your first visit to the chiropractor?

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of chiropractic?

Do you have questions about what to expect at your first chiropractic appointment?

Do you have fears that a chiropractic adjustment is painful?

Do you have concerns about what to wear to your first chiropractic appointment?

Do you want to know if your insurance covers your chiropractic care? 

You are not alone.  

You are exactly where you need to be especially if you are experiencing any of the following: 

  • Headaches that impede on your daily routine

  • Back pain from an injury or repetitive stressors

  • Neck pain from working at a desk on a computer all dayImagine waking up without pain.

Imagine playing with your kids and not worrying about your back hurting when you pick them up.

Imagine crossing the finish line pain free. 

Imagine working your 12-hour shift feeling energized.

Imagine not having to take daily pain medications. 

Pain relief is possible with a chiropractic examination and a personalized treatment plan.  

Pain relief is one of the many reasons patients schedule a chiropractic appointment. You can also seek out chiropractic care for preventative reasons to stay mobile. 

Take a moment and think about the last time you made a decision to try something for the first time. You had lots of questions and researched reliable sources. 

You may have asked some of the following questions when trying to make a decision: 

  • “What was your experience?”

  • "What benefits have you received?”

  • "Did you find a better solution to your problem?" 

  • "How much does it cost? 

  • "Is this worth my money and time?"  

This is the similar thought process for many people before they go to the chiropractor. You have questions and are curious to learn more before you make an appointment. Many people  go to a chiropractor because of an injury, accident, or chronic pain with no other answers. 

If you are thinking about making your first appointment, you are exactly where you need to be. 

Here are the Top 7 Questions about your first appointment at Form Chiropractic. 

1. What are the benefits of a chiropractic adjustment?

Everyone makes an appointment with a chiropractor for a different reason. The following are a few benefits of a chiropractic adjustment:

  • Increased joint range of motion 

  • Reduction of pain 

  • Relaxation of spine and muscles 

  • Loosening of joint adhesions 

  • Release of connective tissue trapped in joints

  • Stimulation of the nervous system

  • Relief of chronic nerve compression and irritation 

2 . What to expect at your first chiropractic appointment? 

We want to get to know you. We will meet 1:1 at your appointment and discuss your health concerns and questions. 

The following is a layout of what to expect at your appointment:

  • Talk about your health history. 

  • Discuss questions and expectations. 

  • Full body examination with close attention to areas of present complaints.

  • Discuss diagnosis and personalized treatment options.  

  • Start the most effective treatment plan. 

  • Leave feeling confident of what to expect next. 

3. Are chiropractic adjustments painful?

Under normal circumstances, adjustments are painless. If you are suffering from significant muscle spasm minor discomfort may occur. There are many different ways to adjust the spine and the extremities. 

We choose the most effective technique for you. Our goal is to keep you comfortable and to reduce your discomfort during an appointment. 

Your treatment will include non-invasive spinal manipulations and corrective mobility exercises. Adjustments are all designed to help the body heal itself.  

4. How many chiropractic appointments are necessary for a complete treatment plan?

The amount of appointments in your treatment plan will vary depending on you:

  • Age

  • Diagnosis 

  • Present symptoms

There are three phases of care: 

  1. Corrective Care to provide relief of your major symptoms. 

  2. Rehab Care to focus on muscle strength, movement, and healing injured tissues.

  3. Preventative Care to maintain mobile joints and prevent injury.

We want to help you stay healthy by addressing small problems before they become serious. Everyone responds to treatment in their own way. The following are factors that generally prolong treatment include, but not limited to: 

  • Relative Health of the Patient 

  • Age 

  • Current Condition 

  • Symptoms 

  • Systemic Conditions 

5. How long is a chiropractic appointment? Can you come in over your lunch break or swing by after work? 

The answer is yes.

We recommend planning for 30 minutes of your day. Treatment appointments include chiropractic adjustments, pre- and post-therapies. Any Examinations, re-Examinations, and special technique appointments are 50 minutes. 

My goal is to help you feel your best and keep you out of my office. We will discuss what you are doing now and what changes you need to make to improve your overall health. 

There is no quick fix. 

Chiropractic will not fix you overnight. Small preventive and corrective changes over time will lead to a big impact on your health.  

6. What do you wear at your first chiropractic appointment?

We recommend that you dress comfortably. No need to dress to impress. We want you to be comfortable so you can get the maximum benefits from your treatment. 

You can come in your work clothes, street clothes, or what you choose to wear at home. Your clothes are on for your entire chiropractic appointment. We do not ask you to take your clothes off. Several women want to know if they can wear their bra for treatment. Your bra does not interfere with treatment. 

7. How much does a chiropractic adjustment cost?

Prices vary depending on your insurance coverage or if you are paying out of pocket. We are currently in network with the following insurance companies:

  • Humana

  • Blue Cross Blue Shield

  • Aetna

  • United Health Care

  • Medicare

  • UMR

  • Cigna

Contact Form Chiropractic in Kansas City

Contact Form Chiropractic if you’re looking for a chiropractor in Kansas City. We will work with you to help relieve your pain and restore mobility in your joints. We take the time to listen to your needs and offer honest, thoughtful, and trustworthy care. 

We will design a treatment plan based on what you need and not a template care plan. We specialize in everything from neck pain to lower back pain to sports injury. Call us today at (816) 673-1188 or book online to schedule your appointment. 

Headaches, Neck Pain, and Chiropractic Care

People turn to chiropractors in Kansas City for a variety of problems. However, two of the most common problems people experience and receive chiropractic care for include tension headaches and neck pain – and rightly so. Many studies have found that chiropractic care is extremely effective at treating neck pain and headaches, specifically headaches that originate in the neck.


Tension Headaches and Neck Pain

There are many things that can trigger a headache such as stress, noise, hunger, insomnia, excessive exercise, changes in blood sugar, etc. However, the most common type of headache (tension) is associated with muscle tension in the neck. A tension headache can be described as a constant dull ache around the head or behind the eyes that can last from 30 minutes to several days. These headaches are caused by subluxations in the upper back and neck and typically the result of stress or bad posture. Today, many people engage in sedentary activities that end up increasing muscle tension in their neck and ultimately cause a tension headache.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

If you suffer from constant tension headaches, a chiropractor in Kansas City may be your best bet at relieving the source of your headaches – neck pain. Chiropractors are trained to adjust the spine and joints by applying controlled force. A neck adjustment will help improve spine mobility, restore range of motion, and in the end improve your overall health. Chiropractic care is an extremely safe and effective method when it comes to treating tension headaches and neck pain.

Contact Form Chiropractic

If you’re looking for a chiropractor in Kansas City to restore mobility in your joints and relieve you from constant headaches, contact Form Chiropractic. We are a Kansas City chiropractic center specializing in everything from neck pain to lower back pain to sports injury. Give us a call today at (816) 673-1188 or book online to schedule your appointment.

Tyler Smith
How Chiropractic Care Can Help With Sciatica

Sciatica is a debilitating nerve pain that originates in the lower back and travels through the back of the thigh and down the leg. It occurs when the sciatic nerve – the longest nerve in your body - becomes irritated or compressed. For most people, this pain can be excruciating.


 Symptoms of Sciatica

There are a few symptoms that accompany sciatica including:

·         Constant burning or tingling sensation radiating down the leg

·         Numbness in the back of the leg

·         Pain that affects only one leg, such as a feeling of heaviness

·         Shooting pain that worsens when trying to sit down or stand up

·         Muscle weakness in affected leg

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is injured due to direct nerve compression or inflammation. Some of the most common causes of sciatica include:

·         Irritation of the lower lumbar and lumbosacral

·         Degenerative disc disease

·         Herniated disk in the spine

·         Narrowing of the spinal canal

·         Severe spine strain from pregnancy

·         Spinal change from excess body weight

·         Prolonged sitting

·         Diabetes

Chiropractic Treatment for Sciatica

Visiting a chiropractor in Kansas City is a great place to start when you are experiencing symptoms of sciatica. Chiropractors are known for performing non-invasive, spinal manipulations (adjustments) to help the body heal itself. An adjustment performed by a licensed chiropractor in Kansas City helps free restricted spinal movement and restore any misaligned vertebrae to their proper position. When it comes to sciatica, these adjustments ultimately reduce nerve irritability that is responsible for the symptoms of sciatica.

Chiropractic Care in Kansas City

If you suffer from sciatica pain, Form Chiropractic is a Kansas City chiropractic center that is well equipped for treating patients with lower back pain, such as sciatica. Give us a call today at (620) 926-0873 or book online here for an individualized examination and treatment plan!

Tyler Smith